100 questions and answers

When I finally found more time to work on my homepage on Neocities, I figured I should add some Lolita-related content by other creators as well. One of the things I thought would be a great addition were those questionnaires or challenges. Of course my mind immediately went to the Lolita meme aptly named 100q to sweet Lolitas (Japanese: 100Q TO SWEETLOLITA/甘ロリータさんへ100の質問). As the name alludes it features 100 question for sweet Lolitas to answer. The questionnaire got posted in 2003 by an anonymous netizen (let's hope they still wear Lolita). It seems they created the homepage with the sole reason of sharing this meme for others to spread since linking back to the page is expected: "The people who answer these questions must link the top page of this site." Unfortunately for them this page is no longer available but it was archived, so everyone will be breaking this rule, including me. I've tried to translate the questions to English to the best of my ability. And with them being quite short, I'm 99% sure that I translated them correctly. However, my confidence might be misplaced so feel free to correct me wherever needed.

Lady Writing a Letter by Albert Edelfelt (1887)

  1. First, please tell us your name, date of birth (age) and gender!
    My name is Nesrine, born on October 19th 1995 which makes me a 29-yearold woman.

  2. Then, what's your height, weight, shoe size and the measurements of your breast, waist and hips
    Luckily, I remember that I'm 167 centimeters tall. I haven't weighed myself in years because my scale's batteries is dead and I'm honestly too lazy to replace them. My shoe size is 39 European. My measurements are 100 centimeters, 80 centimeters and 115 centimeters.

  3. Please tell us your hometown and the prefecture you live in currently!
    Let's make it easier for my non-Belgian readers and keep it with "I live in Belgium."

  4. When did you start wearing sweet Lolita?
    I started wearing sweet Lolita in 2017.

  5. Why did you start wearing sweet Lolita?
    I started wearing it because I finally felt confident enough to start wearing it.

  6. Is it the same as your when you started wearing Lolita?
    Yes, it actually is the same as when I started wearing Lolita.

  7. Do you still wear sweet Lolita?
    I still wear sweet Lolita.

  8. Do you wear other fashion than sweet Lolita?
    I also wear other Lolita styles.

  9. If you no longer wear sweet Lolita, what do you wear now? (This may include other Lolita styles)
    If I would no longer wear sweet Lolita, I would wear other Lolita styles.

  10. What is your favorite brand?
    My favorite brand is Baby, the Stars Shine Bright.

  11. And, what is your favorite item from that brand?
    My favorite items from Baby, the Stars Shine Bright would definitely be my "Robe à la Française OP & Headdress set."

  12. What's your favorite color?
    My favorite color are soft pink and lilac purple.

  13. And, what's your favorite item in your favorite color?
    My favorite item in soft pink is my "Robe à la Française OP & Headdress set."

  14. So, what's your favorite sweet Lolita item right now? You can only pick one!
    My favorite sweet Lolita item right now is - at the fear of sounding repetitive - my "Robe à la Française OP & Headdress set."

  15. What was the first sweet Lolita item you bought?
    The first sweet Lolita item I bought was a chiffon JSK from Alice Girl in 2019.

  16. What do you do with that item currently?
    Currently I don't wear it as often but I keep it for hot summer days.

  17. How many times a week do you wear sweet Lolita?
    That's a pretty hard question to answer. I don't think it's more than five days a week.

  18. And, where do you usually go out as a sweet Lolita?
    When I go out and wear sweet Lolita, I tend to go for an afternoon tea.

  19. When wearing sweet Lolita, what's a place you just can't help but want to go to?
    When wearing sweet Lolita, a place I can't help but just want to go to is Sketch in London. It's my favorite place for an afternoon tea.

  20. On the other hand, what's a place you don't want to go to?
    A place I would definitely not go to wearing sweet Lolita would be a dirty place, like a garbage dump.

  21. Are there things you have to be careful of when wearing sweet Lolita?
    When wearing sweet Lolita I have to be careful of weird strangers that assume I'm some kind of attraction or street performer. It seemingly tends to happen more often when I wear sweet Lolita. Maybe the "sweet" part is to blame for it?

  22. So, is there anything you don't want sweet Lolitas to do?
    I want sweet Lolitas to do what I want everyone to do: have fun without being a nuisance to others.

  23. A word of advice to those who are starting to wear sweet Lolita?
    An extensive wardrobe will come to you over time; don't try to rush it.

  24. Tell us some mistakes you've made as a sweet Lolita?
    I think the mistakes they might be talking about here would be mixing brands, your colors not matching perfectly, walking into a Lolita store without wearing Lolita fashion or having long nails with extensive nail art. In that case I've made the mistake of mixing brands and having my colors not match perfectly.

  25. What has made you the happiest as a sweet Lolita?
    Being able to express my love for fashion creatively has made me the happiest as a sweet Lolita.

  26. Simply put, sweet Lolita, what's its abbreviation?
    I think its abbreviation used to be "ama-rori" from the Japanese "amai Rorta" (Japanese: 

  27. What do you think about calling sweet Lolita "gothic Lolita"?
    I think that it's wrong to call sweet Lolita "gothic Lolita", but I'm also aware that it might be confusing to people since Lolita got more popular because of gothic Lolita.

  28. What fashion did you wear before getting into sweet Lolita?
    Before I got into sweet Lolita I wore Lolita but my style was rather undefined. I mixed a bit of everything.

  29. Do you think sweet Lolita and cosplay are one and the same?
    I don't think sweet Lolita and cosplay are one and the same.

  30. Tell us your sweet Lolita preferences?
    My sweet Lolita preferences would be solid pieces with tons of lace details since I'm kind of picky when it comes to prints.

  31. Tell us your style of sweet Lolita! (Red, pink Lolita, simple, country etc.)
    I would definitely say my sweet Lolita style is pink and simple but I need more pink in my life so I can really commit.

  32. How often do you buy sweet Lolita clothing?
    I try to buy something once a month, but sometimes this is just an accessory or a blouse instead of an OP or JSK.

  33. If you can't help but buy anything cute, raise your hand!
    I can't help but buy anything cute!

  34. How do you afford to buy clothes?
    I afford my clothes by working a fulltime job.

  35. Are you in the red because you buy Lolita clothes every month?
    I'm not in the red luckily.

  36. For those who only wear sweet Lolita, what fashion would you try outside of sweet Lolita? (This may include other Lolita styles)
    I guess I'm skipping this question.

  37. What do you keep in mind when doing makeup?
    I don't wear makeup because I'm allergic.

  38. What is the key point of your makeup?
    I guess I'm skipping this question.

  39. Tell us one makeup technique that you recommend to sweet Lolita?
    I guess I'm skipping this question.

  40. What brand of eyeshadow and what color do you use often? Also, do you have tips on how to use it?
    I guess I'm skipping this question.

  41. What brand of lipstick and lipgloss do you use often? Also, do you have tips on how to use it?
    I used Smith's Rosebud Salve as a lip balm. I touch it up by dabbing a piece of tissue gently on my lips.

  42. What brand of foundation do you use?
    I guess I'm skipping this question.

  43. Simply put, what brand of cosmetics do you use?
    I guess I'm skipping this question.

  44. Tell us about your makeup accessories, like mirrors and pouches!
    I have a beautiful gold-colored compact to check whether my lips need more balm throughout the day.

  45. How long does it take you to put on your makeup?
    I guess I'm skipping this question.

  46. What is your current hair length and color?
    I currently have long brown hair. It's still undyed.

  47. Do you have a perm?
    I do have a straight perm but it just helps my hair from becoming extremely frizzy.

  48. Tell us about your favorite hair styles!
    My favorite hairstyles include loop braids, double buns and just my natural hair.

  49. Do you think it's okay to wear sweet Lolita with short hair?
    I do think it's okay to wear sweet Lolita with short hair. It depends on how it's styled.

  50. Do you take care of your hair?
    Of course I take care of my hair.

  51. So, do you have any haircare product recommendations?
    I use Olaplex n°5 Bond Maintenance conditioner which makes my hair way smoother seemingly.

  52. When wearing sweet Lolita, do you wear a headdress, a ribbon or a bonnet?
    When I wear sweet Lolita my preference goes to headdresses even though I'm a big fan of bonnets and ribbons - it's so hard to decide between them!

  53. Tell us about one of your favorite hair accessories!
    One of my favorite hair accessories would be my head bow from Sweet Dreamer. It's made with velvet ribbon and has a rose charm attached to it.

  54. If you have curly hair, how do you deal with it? Do you have any recommendations?
    I do have curly hair but unfortunately I don't have any advice. I'm only an expert when it comes to my own hair.

  55. Do you have a cell phone?
    Yes, I do have a cell phone.

  56. So, what's your ringtone?
    My ringtone is just the one it came with: iPhone's default "Reflection."

  57. Do you decorate your cell phone with straps, stickers etc.?
    Besides having it in a case which has dried flowers in it, I don't decorate my cell phone.

  58. What's one thing you're proud of about your cell phone?
    One thing I'm proud of about my phone is that it has a great camera.

  59. What places do you recommend for sweet Lolitas?
    When it comes to places to hang out, I would recommend cute cafés. They're perfect to relax and take your time in. Besides that, I would also recommend pretty parks where you could enjoy a picnic.

  60. What's your hang-out spot?
    That would be my local café where I can enjoy the best chai latte.

  61. Have you ever been to Tokyo Disneyland in sweet Lolita? If yes, what were you wearing?
    No, I have yet to go to Tokyo Disneyland.

  62. Who's your favorite artist?
    My favorite artist will forever be Lana Del Rey because her music just puts me in some kind of trance.

  63. Do you go to concerts in sweet Lolita?
    I actually don't usually go to concerts in sweet Lolita, because in Belgium there's a big chance that you might get a cup of beer spilled all over you. However, I do go to seated performances in sweet Lolita.

  64. Do you think it's unpleasant to receive a V-kei band flyer when wearing sweet Lolita?
    I wouldn't think it's unpleasant to receive a V-kei band flyer when wearing sweet Lolita, but I do understand why it might be unpleasant for some. Back in the early 2000, there was a big divide between sweet Lolitas and gothic Lolitas. Sweet Lolitas considered themselves the OG Lolitas whilst gothic Lolitas, mainly those who hung around Jingūbashi (Harajuku Bridge), were often seen as cosplayers.

  65. Do you have a boyfriend or a spouse?
    Yes, I do have a spouse.

  66. What does your partner say about you wearing sweet Lolita?
    My husband loves me wearing Lolita in general because, according to him, it makes me look like a real princess.

  67. If you could, would you put your partner in Ouji fashion or a Lolita fashion?
    My husband actually wears Ouji fashion already so I would go with Ouji fashion.

  68. Do your parents know that you wear sweet Lolita?
    My parents don't know that I wear sweet Lolita because I have broken contact with them.

  69. Actually, is there anyone who's mom wears sweet Lolita?
    My mom doesn't wear Lolita at all.

  70. If you had a daughter, would you both wear sweet Lolita?
    If I did have a daughter, I would wear sweet Lolita with her if she would want to. I would not force her into it.

  71. Just between us, do you check the Lolita thread on ○ Channel?
    This question refers to the Lolita thread on 2channel, also known as 2ch (Japanese: 2ちゃんねる), which has been defunct since 2014 but replaced by 5channel. These fora are similar to 4chan. And I do check the CGL board on there from time to time out of curiosity; just to know what they're up to and to see what news I might've missed.

  72. Just between us, if you've spent over one million yen on sweet Lolita, raise your hand!
    I've spent over one million yen on sweet Lolita!

  73. Just between us, if you've lied to your parents or partner about the price of clothes, raise your hand!
    I've lied to my spouse about the price of clothes!

  74. Just between us, what's the most expensive sweet Lolita piece you've bought?
    The most expensive sweet Lolita piece I've bought, would be 
    my "Robe à la Française OP & Headdress set."

  75. Just between us, tell us a sweet Lolita secret?
    My sweet Lolita secret would be that I have a great dressmaker who helps me fit in pieces that are a bit too small for me. She's the best and I don't think I'll ever find someone as good as her.

  76. Just between us, if you're interested in or have had minor plastic surgery, raise your hand!
    I'm interested in minor plastic surgery!

  77. Do you ever buy sweet Lolita items secondhand? (This includes auctions)
    Yes, I do buy sweet Lolita items secondhand from time to time.

  78. So, what's the most expensive sweet Lolita piece you've bought secondhand and how much did it cost?
    That would be my "
    La Fête des étoiles... ☆Baby Anniversary Big Usakumya Backpack" from Baby, the Stars Shine Bright which cost me €600.00.

  79. Tell us about a sweet Lolita indie brand that you recommend?
    A sweet Lolita indie brand I highly recommend is Atelier 17. I adore their legwear as it gives that hint of dreaminess to coords featuring solid pieces.

  80. So, have you ever bought from that brand? If yes, what did you buy?
    I have bought their "
    Dark fairy tales" -Sleeping Beauty- OTKs in both lavender and black.

  81. Have you ever had a bad experience with a secondhand shop or a brand? If yes, tell us about it!
    Luckily I haven't had a bad experience with a secondhand shop or brand.

  82. Do you use the mail order service on the official websites?
    Yes, I do use the mail order service on the official websites since it's the easiest way to buy Lolita fashion for me.

  83. Whether it's from a big or indie brand, tell us about a recent product you think is the cutest!
    A recent product I think is the cutest is "Chandelier Flocky" OP from Alice and the Pirates.

  84. Are you planning on buying it?
    Unfortunately I'm not planning on buying it because I'm focused on other things currently and you can't buy every release you think is cute.

  85. Do you make any sweet Lolita pieces yourself?
    Yes, I do make sweet Lolita pieces myself.

  86. If yes, tell us about what you've made so far!
    So far, I have made a head bow and a skirt.

  87. Do you sell them on your own website?
    No, I don't sell my creations.

  88. If you have an indie brand, please advertise it here!
    I guess I'm skipping this question.

  89. What's your favorite sweet Lolita store?
    My favorite sweet Lolita store would be Baby, the Stars Shine Bright.

  90. (Ten more questions!) What isn't a sweet Lolita brand but the items there can be used for sweet Lolita? Tell us about at least one!
    Claire's isn't a Lolita brand at all, but I love using their accessories in Lolita fashion.

  91. Do you wear children's clothes? If yes, what size do you wear?
    I do not wear children's clothes, but I sometimes wear children's hair accessories.

  92. Do you have a preference when it comes to home decor?
    When it comes to home decor I enjoy antiques because I love old-timey things.

  93. Tell us the pattern of your bedspread!
    My bedspread currently has no pattern on it. It's a vintage pink one that was custom made.

  94. What's your favorite motif in sweet Lolita? (Strawberries, cherrys, flowers etc.)
    My favorite motif in sweet Lolita would be flowers, and roses in particular.

  95. If you could get the sweet Lolita clothes of your dreams, what would it be?
    If I could get the sweet Lolita clothes of my dreams, it would be Baby, the Stars Shine Bright's "Cinderella OP & Ribbon headdress Set." I'm just not sure about the color: I'm torn between saxe and pink.

  96. Do you plan on graduating sweet Lolita?
    No, I don't plan on graduating sweet Lolita. I will wear as many Lolita styles as I want until I die.

  97. If you're not quitting, raise your hand!
    I'm not quitting!

  98. What would you do if someone were to make fun of sweet Lolita?
    If someone were to make fun of sweet Lolita, I would pity them because it would seem they don't understand how much joy it brings to the people wearing it.

  99. What is today's date?
    Today's date is November 7th 2024. I took a long time answering these questions.

  100. (Thank you for answering the 100 Q for sweet Lolitas!) Any last words?
    I had a lot of fun translating, analyzing and answering these one hundred questions for sweet Lolitas. I even felt the urge to add kaomoji or emoji to my answers, even though it's not really my style, to show my excitement.
Thank you, and take care.


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