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Body without organs

When I was a kid, my sister and I had saved up some money so we could buy the most disappointing but to a kid most impressive piece of candy in the world: the Mammouth ball jawbreaker. That baby cost us a whole two euros. Once obtained, we started licking and licking and licking. There wouldn't come an end to the licking until we had reached its gumball core. We even started watching ourselves licking it in the mirror because we were curious to see how ridiculous we looked. Then we noticed a little detail: our tongues started changing? We thought the jawbreaker was the cause of some rare disease but we didn't care about dying for we were determined to finish this piece of overpriced candy. We had silently agreed that if that were to mean death we would at least die happily and accomplished. For years we - I at least - kept thinking that eating that jawbreaker is going to be the reason for or untimely demise. That was until I learned that what we saw in the mirror were our large...

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